
Contact Us

We would be delighted to hear from you.
If you want more information about us, wish to tell us about wildlife you have seen, volunteer or anything else please contact us on:


Chairman – Jeremy Roberts – 07767838621

Secretary - Harriet Davies – 07977501978

Treasury – Richard Clemo


In Case Of Emergency

Emergency Wildlife Contact Numbers and Information - Unfortunately, from time to time wildlife gets in trouble or incidents occur that have an impact on wildlife.
This page details the emergency contact details you need.


Marine stranding’s hotline

If you have found a dead or stranded marine animal, please phone the Marine straining’s hotline immediately: 0345 201 26 26

Injured animals in general

The local first point of call is the RSPCA All reports of cruelty or concerns for animal welfare must be reported to the National Control Centre on 0300 1234 999.
The local RSPCA centre is based at St Columb and can be contacted on 01637 881455

Wild animal rescue centres / hospital Cornwall

Hedgehogs – Prickles and Paws - 01637 831 299 - www.pricklesandpaws.org

Birds of Prey – Cornwall Birds of Prey centre - 01637 880544 - www.cornishbirdsofprey.co.uk

Owls – Screech Owl Sanctuary - 01726 860182 - www.screechowlsanctuary.co.uk

Wild Birds - Mousehole Wild Bird Hospital and Sanctuary - 01736 731386 - www.chycor.co.uk/mousehole-sanctuary

Bats – The Cornwall Bat Hospital - 01872 278695 - www.bat-hospital.org/bat-hospital

Badgers – Cornwall Badger Rescue - 01736 797740 - www.cornwall-badger-rescue.co.uk

Marine Wildlife Disturbance

Have you seen a disturbance incident? If you've witnessed an incident of marine wildlife disturbance, please report it as soon as possible!
Report to the Disturbance Hotline: 0345 201 2626

Wildlife Crime

Report to Devon and Cornwall Police wildlife crime officer:
If you witness a suspected wildlife crime in action call 999 immediately. In all other instances call the non-emergency number 101.



Pollution Incidents

Pollution incident or waste related crime

If you have seen a pollution incident or waste related crime you contact the Environment agency’s hotline: 0800 80 70 60


Marine pollution incidents

Marine pollution incidents need to be reported to the local coastguard 01326 317 575



Useful Links

Cornwall Wildlife Trust - www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk

The Lost Gardens of Heligan - www.heligan.com

Caerhays Estate - www.visit.caerhays.co.uk

Mevagissey Harbour Office - www.mevagisseyharbour.co.uk

Gorran Parish Council - www.gorranhaven.org.uk

St Ewe Parish Council - www.st-ewe-parish.co.uk

St Mewan Parish Council - www.stmewanparishcouncil.gov.uk

Pentewan Valley Parish Council - www.pentewanvalleypc.uk

St Austell Bay Parish Council - www.staustellbay-pc.gov.uk